Measure T Citizens' Oversight Committee Vacancy - District 4

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The Madera County Transportation Authority is currently seeking a qualified and interested individual to serve on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee (COC). The COC currently has a vacancy in District 4. The purpose of the COC is to provide citizen perspective, participation, and involvement in the MCTA’s $213 million voter-approved Measure T Investment Plan. The COC is comprised of seven members: five represent each of the Madera County supervisorial districts in addition to two “at-large” members. The Measure T COC was formed in 2007 to provide independent review and oversight for the Measure T transportation sales tax program. The primary responsibilities of the COC listed in the Measure T Expenditure Plan include:

  • Receive, review, inspect and recommend action on independent financial and performance audits related to the Measure.
  • Present Committee recommendations, findings, and requests to the public and the Authority in a formal annual report.
  • COC members are appointed to serve for a four-year term without compensation. No member may serve for more than eight years.

Meetings will be held at the MCTA office at 2001 Howard Road, Suite 201, Madera, CA. The application is available here, the MCTC office, or by calling (559) 675-0721.