Active Transportation Plan

Madera County Active Transportation Plan Document Cover - Various pike and pedestrian users.


The Madera County Transportation Commission will host a hybrid workshop to discuss the anticipated updates to the Active Transportation Plan and the timeline for updated Plan adoption.

Details of the workshop:

  • Date: December 10, 2024
  • Time: 1:00 - 1:30 PM
  • Location: MCTC’s offices and via Zoom

To participate, click here to register for the Zoom meeting. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to join.


Active transportation is human-powered transportation that engages people in healthy physical activity while they travel from place to place. People walking, bicycling, using strollers, wheelchairs and mobility devices, skateboarding, and rollerblading are all forms of active transportation. Active transportation is meant to include all ages and abilities and supports connectivity to transit. Connecting walking and bicycle routes to schools is an important strategy to increasing levels of active travel and keeping kids healthy and independent.

The Madera County Transportation Commission’s (MCTC’s) Active Transportation Plan (ATP) identifies projects to make walking and biking in Madera County more comfortable for people of all ages and abilities. It is important to plan for a future transportation system that will accommodate growth, enhance circulation, and provide mobility and accessibility for users of all transportation modes. Encouraging and building infrastructure for safe access to active transportation modes will also have the benefit of fostering health and fitness in the burgeoning population.

What is an ATP?

An ATP is a roadmap for developing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, with an emphasis on promoting walking and bicycling as viable transportation options and fostering a practical, safe, and enjoyable environment. The ATP provides an overall vision for the future of walking and biking in Madera County with specific policies and programs to achieve the desired vision. The plan was shaped by the feedback and values of the residents and communities participating in the planning process.

Goals of the Active Transportation Plan

The goals of the ATP, are as follows:

  • Expand pedestrian and bicycle access throughout Madera County for both visitors and residents
  • Improve and maintain existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities across Madera County
  • Increase walking and bicycling in Madera County
  • Improve safety and accessibility across Madera County through active transportation facilities
  • Increase awareness and appreciation of active transportation through public engagement
  • Provide a comprehensive inventory of existing and proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the Madera Region