2026 Madera County Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy

Project Overview 

The 2026 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) is Madera County's long-term vision for transportation priorities and investments. The RTP/SCS identifies priority transportation improvements throughout the region, which will help create more connected and vibrant communities throughout Madera County. This planning process also includes creating an SCS, which identifies the region's preferred approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  

How Can You Get Involved?

MCTC is hosting a series of workshops to get community feedback on draft SCS planning scenarios. We are seeking community input on what people think are the most important growth issues and transportation needs in Madera County. Their input will ensure the 2026 RTP/SCS reflects the wants and needs of your community.

We encourage you to share the information below with your networks to ensure we hear from as many people as possible. Your assistance in getting the word out will help us create a plan that reflects the needs of your community. i

Workshop Dates: 

  • March 17 - Virtual (via Zoom) 
  • March 19 - Hillside Elementary School Library – Tesoro Viejo 
    • 5 - 7 p.m. 
    • 800 Treasure Hills Drive, Madera, CA 

Online Survey 

We also encourage you to share our survey by using the link below. The survey captures the same input we are seeking from attendees at the community workshops.

Survey Link  


Social Media 

You can also follow us on social media and repost information about the workshops and survey!  


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