Measure T Citizens' Oversight Committee

The Measure T Citizens' Oversight Committee


The Madera County Transportation Authority (MCTA) was established to administer the proceeds of Measure T. In 2006, Madera County voters approved Measure T the 1/2 cent sales tax for local transportation projects. Measure T is a twenty-year program that funds highway and road capital projects that: improve traffic safety; relieve congestion; and leverage other state and federal funds. Measure T is projected to yield approximately $213 million for transportation projects in Madera County through 2027. The MCTA administers Measure T Revenues through a planning and programming process, which includes an Expenditure Plan and Annual Work Program (AWP). Per Authority policy the AWP is prepared annually and serves as the annual funding authority for the Measure T program. The Annual Work Program recognizes funds available for projects according to the Measure T Investment Plan and outlines each local jurisdiction's Annual Expenditure Plan with respect to the available funds.

MCTA maintains a standing Citizens' Oversight Committee to ensure that the Measure T half-cent sales tax revenues and expenditures are administered and spent as promised to the public. The Committee is comprised of seven members: one from each of five Madera County supervisorial districts and two "at-large" members.

Committee members are appointed to serve for a four-year term without compensation. No member may serve for more than eight years. Meetings will be held at the MCTA offices at 2001 Howard Road, Suite 201, Madera, California.

Current Measure T Citizens' Oversight Committee Members


District 1                         Janice Gomes
District 2                        Wayne Chapman
District 3                        Joe Moreno
District 4                        Max Rodriguez
District 5                        Russell Shaw
Member at Large        Terry Flanagan
Member at Large        April Molina