2001 Howard Road, Suite 201
Madera, CA 93637
Phone (559) 675-0721
This years Unmet Transit Needs Hearing will take place Wednesday, April 17, 2021. This hearing will be held via GoToWebinar.
MCTC Staff strongly encourages you to submit your comment via email, USPS mail, telephone, or online survey. Your comments will be read directly to the Board during the public hearing item to ensure your voice is heard.
To submit your comments via email:
To submit your comments via USPS mail:
2001 Howard Road, Suite 201, Madera, CA 93637
To submit your comments via phone:
(559) 675-0721 ext. 18
To submit via online survey:
To register for the webinar please go to the following link:
Once you submit your registration, you will receive important information about how to call-in to the webinar. If you call into the teleconference without registering first, you will be in listen-only mode. In other words, you will not be able to provide comment unless you register at the above link.
For listen-only mode dial one of the following numbers:
+1 (872) 240-3212
Access code:
Your testimony should be as specific as possible with regard to those citizens, not currently being served by transit, the request type and amount of transit service, the geographic area in which service is needed, and any other supporting evidence of information which will help in evaluating the "reasonableness" of the requested service.
Please provide your name and contact information -- including your phone number, email address, and home address -- so we can provide you with follow up communications from the SSTAC, MCTC Staff, and MCTC Commissioners.