Catalog of Enterprise Systems

Approved on October 11, 2015, SB 272 adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems. Government Code Sections 6250-6276.48 defines an enterprise system as a catalog of multi-departmental systems or systems containing information about the public that store original records. View the full text of SB 272.
Enterprise systems do not include cybersecurity systems, infrastructure, and mechanical control systems, or information that would reveal vulnerabilities to, or otherwise increase the potential for an attack on, a public agency's IT system. 

Below is the most recent Catalog of Enterprise Systems generated May 15, 2024.


Product Vendor Purpose

Data Category

Custodian Collection Frequency Update Frequency
Arc GIS ESRI Geographic Information Systems Geographic Information Systems Planning As Needed As Needed
Cube Citilabs Traffic Modeling Modeling Planning As Needed As Needed

Microsoft Office Outlook

Microsoft Corporation Email Communications, Scheduling/Calendar Email System Administration Daily Daily
Quickbooks Plus Intuit Accounting, Human Resources System Finance Administration Daily Daily