Clone of Your Madera 2042 RTP/SCS
As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Madera Region, MCTC links transportation, land use, economic growth, equity, and the environment in the long-range planning process. The region is federally mandated to prepare and maintain a long-range plan with a minimum 20-year planning horizon, and update it every four years.
MCTC 2018 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy
Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC) is required to update the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to reflect the existing and future regional transportation system in Madera County. The 2018 update reflects the horizon or “planning” year of 2042, ensuring that the region’s transportation system and implementation policies/programs will safely and efficiently accommodate growth envisioned in the Land Use Elements of the Cities of Chowchilla and Madera and Madera County, in the RTP and in the Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS). As the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Madera County, MCTC is responsible for development of the RTP and the SCS (reference Chapter 6 – “Creating a Sustainable Future” of the 2018 RTP and SCS).
FINAL MCTC 2018 RTP/SCS Program Environmental Impact Report
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) be prepared and distributed for review by regulatory and other affected agencies and persons, prior to preparation of the Final EIR. The Draft EIR provides the opportunity for comments on the proposed project and the Draft EIR. Once comments are received following the review period, comments will be considered and responses will be incorporated in the Final EIR to address any changes or additions necessary to clarify and/or supplement the information contained in the document. This Draft Program EIR (PEIR), therefore, represents the culmination of all environmentally related issues raised during review of the Notice of Preparation (NOP) (reference Appendix A) and during development of the Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC) 2018 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS).